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How money analogies can help you build a healthy, wealthy and wise financial mindset

One fantastic way to help shape the way you see and handle money is by using money analogies of successful money managers and business people. These analogies help condition the mind to be receptive to the possibility of abundance. it provides us with a rare opportunity to have a brief glimpse into the minds of these multi millionaire/billionaires. In think and grow rich napoleon hill...
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7 Things to do when you come into sudden wealth

Wealth can visit anyone at anything. It comes suddenly and stay only when it is respected, it can develop wings and fly away like a bird if it is abused. Of ten times people who come into money become paralyzed by the amount of wealth that they engage in lifestyle habits that squander the money. There is an African saying that the first money a...
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Why Biological Teams Must Work Together

Infinite intelligence is so awesome that it brings different personalities to share the same womb and heritage. I have always wondered how we abuse these divine connections, how we allow rivalry, marriage and parents attempt to destroy these bonds, I think we do not appreciate enough  how it means to be siblings and born in the same family. A wise woman once told me whatever...
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How to financially plan for 2023

Welcome to 2023! You’ve probably made a lot of resolutions this new year, but have you included your financial plan? Have you thought about planning your finances this new year? Financial planning is an important step in ensuring that you are able to meet your long-term financial goals. Whether you are saving for retirement, a down payment to buy a house, or just trying to...
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4 reasons why financial atrophy persist.

Merriam Webster defines atrophy as a decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue. This is the basic biological definition of atrophy but atrophy can also occur in finance. Financial atrophy is the decrease in size or wasting away of one’s financial resources due to ignorance and a lack of financial education. This is also a money sickness in a way...
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Money habits principles that are keeping you broke according to Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet often referred to as the oracle of Omaha and one of the most successful investor and currently the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway has shared much wisdom on investing, money management and life. In his own life he has successfully navigated the complex world of finance which often can be daunting and overwhelming. Drawing from warren Buffets teaching and behavior and principles we can...
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7 Passive income streams to build your fortune

Tony Robbins explains that passive income isn’t about effortless earnings but about establishing a secondary, reliable income stream that compliments your primary earnings. Passive income streams still require upfront work and sometimes ongoing maintenance, in many cases providing you the opportunity to move beyond trading your time for money. This approach definitely requires initial efforts on your part but promises long term rewards and financial...
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6 Moves People Make That Holds Them Back From Generational Wealth

Building generational wealth is something anyone can do. However there are certain money moves that people make that can prevent them from accumulating wealth much more to think of transferring wealth. Here are some of the biggest ones. Many people keep waiting for a longtime to begin investing or don’t invest at all sighting reasons like fear of risk or lack of investing knowledge. While...
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